Cha Cha
Like all other Latin dances, is quite different from anything you experienced in the American dances. Although some aspects of dancing are familiar in all the different dances, the Latin dances accentuate much more body movement.
Cha Cha is a fast moving, fun, and rhythmic spot dance (meaning that it is danced in a smaller floor area). The characteristic knee and hip Cuban motion is made possible through the rib cage, and the ball-heel footwork.
Level 1 is designed to introduce you to the bare basics of the dance. The 3 most basic (but forever used in various combinations) elements of the Cha Cha dance are the side steps, forward rock steps, and back rock steps. They will be taught to you in various patterns to familiarize you with the footwork, rhythm and styling. Not only is this dance danced to Latin music, but a lot of popular songs such as Santana Smooth and other rock songs.