
is probably the most graceful dance of all dances, with its many spins, turns, and free flowing movements. In the Waltz, each bar of music has 3 beats. The first beat is accentuated. The steps are danced in groups of three, each step to one beat of music and – (unlike in the Fox Trot) – all at the same speed. If space allows, most steps are ‘long steps’, and a gradual rise is started at the end of the first step and carried out to the end of the third step. At the end of the third step, the heel of the foot taking the third step is lowered. This process of rising up and lowering is called ‘rise and fall’ technique. Once the above begins to feel more natural, a slight sway should be added on the side steps, which softens the look of the figures as well as assisting the body in turning. Rule of thumb here is to sway the torso ‘up’ into the direction one is traveling.

Many patterns are interchangeable between the Waltz and the Fox Trot – but only Fox Trot patterns that have ‘3’ steps can be used in the Waltz.